How to Relieve TMJ Jaw Pain: Causes & Treatment Options

Face and jaw pain can be nerve-racking. It is even worse when you do not know the main reason behind it. Facial pain is often associated related with the temporomandibular joint. It's the joint that connects the upper and lower jawbones.

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction is known as TMJ or TMJ Syndrome. It is a common jaw dysfunction that causes mild to severe pain. A poorly aligned jaw can cause many physical and cosmetic changes to your teeth, posture, and face.

How to Relieve Jaw Pain

Causes and Risk Factors

Although detecting signs of the temporomandibular joint is simple, it's tougher to determine what is causing your pain.


       Disc erosion in the jaw

       Arthritis damage in joint cartilage

       Bad posture

       A jaw injury

       Chronic teeth grinding

       Stress causes you to tighten the jaw and facial muscles

       Excessive chewing gum use

       Orthodontic braces

       Connective tissue diseases that affect temporomandibular joint

How Do Experts Diagnose TMJ Syndrome?

A TMJ specialist will diagnose TMD by considering your medical history and carrying out a physical exam. It will help them to find the exact cause of the symptoms.

The expert may also refer you to an oral and maxillofacial specialist, a throat doctor, otolaryngologist, an ENT specialist, or a dental professional specializing in jaw disorders.

The doctor will check the jaw joints for softness and pain. They will also: 

       Listen for the clicking sounds when you move the jaw

       Check facial muscles and jaws movement

Sometimes, the expert doctor may take an MRI of your temporomandibular joint to determine the damage to the jaw joint. It also gives the doctor a complete picture of what is happening to your face. Perform "TMJ Treatment Near Me" Google search to find the best TMJ treatment options close to your area.

Treatments for TMJ Disorder at Dentist

Broken teeth, cavities, missing teeth, and gum inflammation can make TMJ pain worse. But with proper dental care, you can prevent it. If the symptoms stay, your doctor may advise you on numerous treatment options, such as:

1. Dental Splint

A dental splint is a soft dental appliance placed in the mouth over the teeth. It is typically prescribed and fitted by a skilled jaw specialist. It keeps the teeth in proper alignment and prevents bruxism (teeth grinding).

2. Botox for TMJ

A dentist near you also uses botox for relaxing jaw muscles. These injections also keep headaches associated with teeth grinding at bay. BOTOX® can even lower the locked jaw. But it is not an FDA-approved TMD treatment.

3. TMJ Pain Relief Exercises

TMJ pain usually goes away on its own. But your doctor may recommend TMJ physical therapy if it is not improving. It can enhance flexibility, strengthen muscles, and improve the range of motion. Physical therapy for TMJ disorders typically involves a wide range of treatments. It includes:

       Stretching and relaxing exercises

       Heat/cold therapy

       Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation


4. Biobehavioral Management

To reduce pain intensity, an expert dentist in Suffern, NY, also recommends biobehavioral management. It includes:


       Cognitive-behavioral therapy

5. TMJ Surgery

In severe cases, the expert will also do jaw surgery. It includes:

a) TMJ Arthroscopy or Arthrocentesis

TMJ Arthroscopy allows the surgeon to see the inside of the temporomandibular joint using the camera added using a tiny cut on the skin. It helps them diagnose damage to the joint surface and torn cartilage. The recovery will usually take one week.

b) Total Joint Replacement

Total joint replacement is an open joint surgery performed for those with severe joint damage and unmanageable TMJ pain. It usually requires a stay in the hospital for a few days. The recovery time is typically four to six weeks.

Get the Best TMJ Treatment in Suffern NY Today

Your jaw joint alignment is important to your overall health and wellness. If you are experiencing severe jaw pain and living near Suffern area, consider the best TMJ treatment at Dental Wellness of Suffern. The professional treatment will offer long-term relief. The top-notch dental office renders superior-quality dental solutions in areas like Waterbury, Montebello, Mahwah, Upper Bergen County, Ramapo, Saddle River, Ridgewood, Westwood, Park Ridge, Monsey, and the surrounding communities.


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